Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Break--Baltic Bikini Bash (Tallinn pt. 2)

While checking out the menu at the Czech pub, we were approached by a girl who asked us in English if we were here for the meeting and if we had any trouble finding the place. Yeah of course, sorry we're late. After a few beers it became clear that we had stumbled into a tandem language meeting and since we were a native French, German, and English speakers, we were very welcome. We traded stories with some of the locals and other Erasmus students about our hometowns and current university. After about two-and-a-half beer's time we were led across the street for some traditional Estonian dancing.

"Yeah, sorry we're late...did we mention he is from France, and why yes, that is an American accent. Czech beers on tap? Don't mind if I do."

Pumpin' out the phat tunes!

We went then to a rugby-pub and traded email's and phone numbers while enjoying some very fine Estonian beers and cider and then on to Club Hollywood for ladies' night. Pole-dancing, butt-shaking and a fist fight or two followed--East European style.

In the morning, we left city center for Pirita about 20 minutes by bus. There we found the ruins of St. Bridgett's convent at sunset. Across the highway we found the beach and some brave kiteboarders and windsurfers taking advantage of the strong sideshore winds.

Tallinn's has a surf shop?!?

After hanging out on the beach for as long as we could stand the cold we headed south to this monument and great view of the city during sunset.

It was time to find some traditional Estonian food at a resaurant with the word "grandma's" in its namesake. Beef and potatos are best digested with more Estonian beer.

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