Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Break--Baltic Bikini Bash (Tallinn pt. 1)

Tallinn, Estonia

With my exam finished, it was time to cut loose and get to know our neighbors to the east. From Arlanda Int'l two of my friends and I caught a Norwegian flight to Tallinn, Estonia. 45 minutes later I was trading in my Swedish kronor for Estonian kroons. I had this image of old Ladas zig-zagging between potholes through soviet-style block houses. This idea was quickly lost as I saw brand new Land Rovers and Hummers book past me as I stood on a very wide, American-feeling thoroughfare. I was also surprised to find Tallinn's old town is one of the best preserved medieval walled cities. After checking in to the Hostel, we headed out to snap some great city-pictures.

Tallinn was once one of the largest ports in the Hanseatic trading league. The German influence is noticible when you first enter the old town through a more-less well preserved gate. The various controlling forces have left watermarks on the city--a layer-cake of German and Russian influence. The "Toompea" is the hill from which the dominating powers watched over the walled city below. It is still a center for government and religion. Here you can see both the Lutheran Cathedral, Toomkirk and Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. There is also the Estonian parliamentary building and governor's palace.

For me, it was really exciting. The old town isn't cheesy in a disneyworld recreation way nor is it paved over by overzealous developers. It gives you a sort of that old room you've been meaning to fix-up and now that you have some money you can start feel to it. The cobblestone streets and iron window fixtures were touchable and accessible rather than forced or fake-feeling.

Quite excited for nightfall, we headed back towards the hostel. Only a quick stop at the Czech beer pub to grab a pilsner and a bite.

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