Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Sacking of Riga (pt. 3)

Topside, leaving Riga. Once outside of the old town, Riga looks more like the ex-Soviet satellite state that it is. After about 45 minutes of brushing past the commercial docks, you get to the jetty and then right into the busy shipping channel.Brief pause to introduce some auxiliaries.




Christian and Estelle


Julien and the ship's exhaust system

Sundown, time to head below deck for a nap. We woke up to Karate-Benoit and strong winds that kicked up the sea to a plain of whitecaps. 4 foot seas rocked the ship noticeably and every so often it would shudder enough to make everyone glance at each other in concern and then laugh at our own skittishness. We did the logical thing, put on jackets and headed to the quarterdeck for some drinks. After that, the dance-club.

shelter from the wind

the Latvian competition


too late

Lessons learned. Julien face-planted into a railing in the dance club, rendering himself quite unconscious. After the longest 5 minutes ever the ship's crew arrived with epaulets and radios. They used the radios to summon the ship's doctor. The doctor arrived smelling heavily of vodka and prescribed our now conscious but extremely agitated comrade return to his room to sleep it off. On the way to the bunk, the Viking spirit again struck and an enraged Julien threw fists at the security who were being less-than-gentle with him. He spent the rest of the night in the brig and upon arrival was released without any aspirin. This marks the first time in my life I have been able to use the word "brig" in a serious conversation.

Time to divide the loot and get our friend some medical attention...

...a proper adventure by any standard.

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